User Guide
Feature 1: List
To list out all current items in Duke.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Feature 2: Create Deadlines
Adds a Deadline task into Duke using keywords: deadline…by
Example of usage:
deadline return book /by 08/10/2020 1800
Expected outcome:
Feature 3: Create Events
Adds an Event task into Duke using keywords: event…at
Example of usage:
event birthday /at 08/10/2020 1800
Expected outcome:
Expected outcome:
Feature 4: Create Todos
Adds a Todo task into Duke using keyword: todo
Example of usage:
todo read some books
Expected outcome:
Feature 5: Completing a Task
Marks a selected task as done
Example of usage: (where 2 is the position)
done 2
Expected outcome:
Feature 6: Removing a Task
Removes a selected task from Duke
Example of usage: (where 1 is the position)
delete 1
Expected outcome:
Feature 7: Finding a Task
Searches for a Task by name
Example of usage:
find book
Expected outcome:
Feature 8: Ending the programme
Saves and exits Duke
Example of usage: